Ortho Eval Pal: Optimizing Orthopedic Evaluations and Management Skills
Be inspired by Paul and his experience with evaluating and treating orthopedic injuries. Learn about everything orthopedic from plantar fasciitis to cervical spine pain, how to communicate with specialists better, optimizing your evaluations and so much more!
Ortho Eval Pal: Optimizing Orthopedic Evaluations and Management Skills
When an Ankle Sprain Doesn’t Look Like Just an Ankle Sprain | OEP365
Today we will be doing a case presentation about a 15 y/o female who presents with the diagnosis of ankle sprain but is not getting better.
(Video) My first Youtube video ever. High ankle sprain
(Video) Kleiger's Test
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#anklesprain #anklepain #ankle #podcasts #PTpodcast #medical #health #orthopedics #Physicaltherapy #DPT #Medicalproviders #sportsmedicine #athletictraining #chiropractic #occupationaltherapy
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- And, as always, be kind to each other and take care!!